MPEG (pronounced M-peg), which stands for Moving Picture Experts Group, is the name of a family of standards used for coding audio-visual information (e.g., movies, video, music) in a digital compressed format.
The major advantage of MPEG compared to other video and audio coding formats is that MPEG files are much smaller for the same quality. This is because MPEG uses very sophisticated compression techniques.
So, some of videos shared on the internet are inevitable in mpeg format and which brings some troubles to users like us. And this article here, is teaching you how to convert mpeg to 3gp and enjoy them on your mobilphone.

How to convert MPEG to 3GP with Leawo Free 3GP Converter?
FREE full version software of MPEG to 3GP Converter is available for downloading to convert MPEG to 3GP! Leawo Free Video to 3GP converter is to convert videos in any format to 3GP, 3GP2, for video playing on your 3G mobiles, including converting MPEG to 3GP and 3G2! Besides converting MPEG to 3GP, it supports to trim a video duration to save space, and also supports to crop the video dimension to your mobile phone screen, and it's free!
3 steps will lead you to convert your videos from MPEG to 3GP to play them on your 3G mobiles!
Download Leawo Free MPEG to 3GP Converter Now!
Wanna convert 3GP to AVI and other formats? Click for more...
Step1. Input your MPEGs. Drag them in, or click add icon to import. Have a preview by double clicking the file name. Choose "3GPP(*.3gp)" in "Profile".
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Step2. Click edit icon to adjust the video effects, trim a video clip you like, and crop for a video dimension to your screen.
Under "Effect", drag the slides of "Brightness" and "Contrast" for a better visual effect. Drag "Volume" slide to adjust the volume.
Under "Trim", set the "Start Time" and "End Time" points for a video length.
In the droplist of "Letter Box", select a "Crop" style, or adjust the offset values for a precise cropping.
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The Logo part offers functions to give image watermark on the video.
The Text part offers functions to give text watermark on the video.
Step3. Click "Convert"in the bottom right to start the conversion, and DONE. Now, you could transfer the movie in 3gp or 3gp2 to your mobile phone and watch the movie in anywhere at any time.
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