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Monday, April 14, 2014

How To Creat Addsense Account

 How To Creat Addsense Account

As a blogger you must have heard of Adsense, which is one of the best contextual ad network from Google. In this post we will see how you can create adsense account for your Website. There are many Adsense alternatives, but no matter what network you try Adsense is certainly the best. Though, if you are good with marketing, you can look into Affiliate marketing and my post on Affiliate or Adsense will give you my personal insight.
I remember when I started Blogging, Adsense was something an alien word for me. While signing up for Adsense, I had to take help from my friends and I was not sure if I was doing everything right. For beginners, who are not aware of Adsense:  It’s  an advertisement program for publisher started by Google[ See Wiki details]. They place contextual ads on your blog and you will get paid when someone clicks on ads.
Here I’m compiling a basic guide for beginners who are not sure of, how to apply for  Adsense.
adsensescreen thumb [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
There are few requirements which you need to follow before you can apply for Adsense. You need to have a website. You should be above 18+, else apply using your parents name.

Steps to create Adsense account:

Adsense has changed the account approval process lately and here is new adsense account approval process:
  • Sign up for Adsense
  • Add Adsense ads into your Blog
  • Your account will be reviewed and rejected.
Though new adsense account approval process is quite lengthy and now it’s 2 way adsense account approval process, but it will help us to maintain the quality of adsense. Also before applying for adsense make sure your website is following adsense policies.
I believe, by now you have done your research on the above and here is how  you can sign up for Adsense.

Step by Step guide to Create Adsense account

Go to Signup page for Adsense.
Website details:
Websitedetails thumb [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
Add your website details, language and put a tick mark on first two box which says
  • I will not place ads on sites that include incentives to click on ads.
  • I will not place ads on sites that include pornographic content.
In Website URL, it should be your blog address and make sure to add it without http://
Adsense contact information:
adsensecontactinformation thumb [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
This is most important part and I remember making couple of mistakes while signing up. Most important is Payee name. Make sure to use the same name under which you have a bank account. As Adsense will be sending you a check under that name. If you make a mistake here, changing payee name of your account would be difficult for many countries like India.
Rest add your contact information and fill other details.
Accept Adsense policies:
adsensepolicies thumb [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
Read Adsense policies and put a tick mark in front of all three boxes.
Once done click on Submit and on the next page, you can review your details. Make sure that all the details are accurate and up to date.
Signing up Email:
AdsenseEmailaddress thumb [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
You can use your current Email address to sign up or you can create a new Gmail id for Adsense. For fast approval, I would suggest you to sign up using your Google apps address. i.e [ Read: How to set up Google apps for domain ].
In my case, While I tried signing up using generic @gmail address, I was rejected 4 times, but later on when I applied using domain Email address, it worked and I got Instant adsense approval.
Submit Adsense Tax Information [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
Once you have signed up for Adsense, you need to add adsense codes into your blog. Adsense team will review your application again after adding the ad codes, and it will activate and will send you Adsense Pin. Which takes 1-2 months depending upon geographical position.
So, after every thing is set up, in order to get paid from Adsense, you need to fill two information:
  • Please submit your Tax information
  • Please Enter your Pin
You will also need to submit Tax form, depending how you are entitled to do business. For certification of No U.S activities, and for Indian Adsense publishers, you can fill this tax info:
Indian Publisher Tax Info Adsense [Basic Guide] How to Create Adsense account?
Similarly, once you receive the Pin, add it into your Adsense account and from the next month payment cycle, you will start getting paid. Minimum Payout for Adsense is $100.
I hope this guide will help you to create Adsense account. Just in case if you don’t have a Blog, you can refer to my earlier tutorial on how to create a BlogSpot blog. Meanwhile do share your tips on quick adsense approval?

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