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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Public IP Addresses and Private IP Addresses:

Public IP Addresses and Private IP Addresses:

Public IP Addresses and Private IP Addresses:

Global IP address:(Public)
Global IP addresses are UNIQUE and that are only assigned to a SINGLE computer or device.
A Global IP address is assigned to a computer or Modem by ISP(Internet Service Provider) and that can be communicated with from any where on the internet.

Local IP address:
Local IP addresses (Private IP Addresses) are assigned by a router.

That includes IP addresses like :-
*---> to,
*---> to and
*---> to
Local IP addresses can only be used to communicate within a closed network or LAN.

This can be done via something known as NAT (Network Address Translation):

In computer networking, Network Address Translation (NAT) is the process of modifying IP address information in IPv4 headers while in transit across a traffic routing device

Example for understanding NAT:
There is a office. If you wants to communicate with one employee in that office. what we actually do
1. We request to Reception.
2. Reception will redirect your call to that employee.

The same process in reverse
(i.e.) The Employee wants to communicate to outside world . The process is
1. The employee will connect to reception and
2. The reception will redirect the call to out side world.

Note: The Number of Employee is hidden. The outside world peoples only get the reception Number of the Office.

The same process is in NAT. That is instead of Reception that is something called NAT.
(i.e.) Nat will hide the internal IP addresses and shown to the internet is Public IP address.

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