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Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Hard Reset Nokia Lumia 520 Guide

This is a guide for How to Hard reset your Nokia Lumia 520 mobile phone. First of all you should never hard reset your mobile phone unless you absolutely have to. Because in some rare cases your phone can get permanently damaged, like if the battery of your mobile phone gets drained during the hard reset process, also it resets all the data on your mobile including your SMS and Contacts plus it removes your Windows Live id. Use this hard resetting process only as your last resort.

If your phone is stuck and unresponsive you don’t need to hard reset it. Simply pull the battery out and put it back again, then turn on your phone, all your mobile phone data will be safe and you will not lose anything. If the problem is something serious like your Nokia Lumia 520 hangs up after a while of usage or too many application and games are installed on your mobile phone and you just want to refresh your phone, then you should use the built in “reset your phone” setting.

To do that open “Settings” on your phone then tap on “About” and finally tap on “reset your phone”.

Warning! Your will lose all the data stored on your device with this method. Your Nokia Lumia 520 will warn you about this too.
If you have setup a lock code and completely forgot it or you do not have any kind of access to your Nokia Lumia 520 then you need to use this hard reset method.

Warning! All of your data will be lost including messages, contacts, emails, applications, games and your Windows Live id. It will also reset the security code on your phone to the factory one. You will not see any warning on your mobile phone, as soon as you complete the final step of this procedure your phone will get back to it’s factory state.

Step 1: Make sure your battery is fully charged and turn off your mobile phone. It is better if you just pull the battery out and put it back in. After making sure your phone is off press and hold the Power button for a few seconds and as soon as your mobile phone vibrates let go of the power button.
Step 2: After feeling the vibration and letting go of the power button immediately press and hold the Volume Down key.
Step 3: After a while your phone’s LCD will turn on and you will see a red exclamation mark ( ! ) in the middle of the screen. Now you can let go of the Volume Down key.
Step 4: Now for the fourth and the final step you need to press the UI keys in this sequence.

    Volume Up
    Volume Down
    Volume Down
You are done, it will take some time but your Nokia Lumia 520 will reset to it’s original state and turn on automatically. Enjoy your refreshed phone and visit on it get more mobile phone repairing solutions. Good Luck!

If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Note: Every repairing solution posted here is tested by at least one member of our team. Use the information available here at Your Own Risk. We are not responsible if any harm comes to your device during the repairing process.

Disclaimer.We are not affiliate with cell phone companies like Nokia,Samsung,Sony Ericsson,Lg,Motorolo and some other etc Manufacturers / Vendors .All trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners.we just provide diagrams for study and repairing purpose.these images are uploaded by website we will not be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury.for more detail read Terms & Conditions and Privacy & Policies at bottom. Restore Hard reset will set your phone in origional factorry settings. It will remove all the data and apps that you installed. Your contacts will be removed and you have to add them again. Flash Firmware we try to provide the best and latest flash files and firmwares, But we do not guarantee the accuracy or compatibility of any of the files. So use them at your own risk.. For HD Pictures. Visit This Blog.

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