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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Facebook Popup (Like Box Widget) Free

Facebook Popup (Like Box Widget) Free
Here's a fantastic way to increase facebook likes for your blog or website.  Add this enticing widget to your site and a facebook like box will pop up with the lightbox effect when a user visits your page.  The facebook widget will show up on your page about 20 seconds after the page loads (but can be customized).  This is a surefire way to dramatically increase your likes.

Add Widget to Your Site

Add the following code anywhere in the body section of your template. Or simply click the "add to blogger" button for blogspot blogs.  For Wordpress themes, Weebly templates, and Tumblr, you will need to manually copy and paste the script into your template.  

How to Customize

Where to find the code?
If you've installed the widget by clicking "Add to Blogger" you'll need to locate the code in order to make customizations. In order to find the html go to the blogger dashboard>Layout. Click "edit" on the "HTML/Javascript" gadget.

Enter your facebook username

Search for and replace it with your site's facebook page URL.

Change the 20 Second Time Delay

By default the widget pops up 20 seconds after the page finishes loading.  Search for the code below and change the number 20000 to a greater or lesser number. 
1 second = 1000.  10 seconds = 10000. 60 seconds = 60000. 

Popup every time the page loads 
By default, the like box widget only shows up the first time the user visits your page.  If you would like the facebook box to popup every time the page loads, then remove this line of code: 

Display only when user visits your homepage

You can do this by surrounding the widget code with these conditional tags below. Go toTemplate Edit HTML. Now search for the </body> tag. Place the facebook popup widget right above this body tag.  Make sure to include the conditional tags below. 

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